Lazydog code documentation


synopsis:File system user-level events monitoring.
author:Clément Warneys <>

This is the main package of the lazydog library. It relies on another sub-package revised_watchdog which is a modified version of watchdog package.

As a summary, watchdog is a “python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events”. As such, watchdog is monitoring and emitting every tiny local event on the file system, which often means 5 or more watchdog events per user event. For example, when a user is creating a new file, you will get 1 creation event, multiple modification events (some of them for the content modification, others for metadata mosification), and 1 or more modification event for the directory of the file.

The goal of lazydog is to emit only 1 event per user event. This kind of event will sometimes be call high-level event, compared to low-level event which are emitted by the watchdog API. To do so, lazydog is waiting a little amount of time in order to correlate different watchdog events between them, and to aggregate them when related. This mechanism results in some delays between the user action and the event emission. The total delay depends on the watchdog observer class. For example, if you use an InotifyObserver observer, you only need a 2-seconds delay. But if you use a more basic observer as the PollingObserver observer (which is more compatible between different system), then you need a greater delay such as 10-seconds.

The lazydog package contains the following modules:

  • lazydog is a sample module that show how to use the package, by logging the high-level events in the console. The main function of this module is called when calling $ lazidog in the console.
  • handlers is the main module of the library with the aggregation algorithms.
  • events defines the high-level lazydog events, based on the low-level watchdog ones, which are now aggregable and also convertible to copy or move events.
  • queues bufferizes lazydog events pending for a possible aggregation with other simultaneous events.
  • states keeps track of the current state of the watched local directory. The idea is to save computational time, avoiding recomputing file hashes or getting size and time of each watched files (depending on the requested method), thus facilitating identification of copy events.
  • dropbox_content_hasher is the default hash function to get a hash of a file. Based on the hash function of the Dropbox API.


synopsis:An sample module that show how to use the package, by logging the high-level lazydog events in the console. The main function of this module is executed by calling $ lazidog in the system console.
author:Clément Warneys <>

Please read the source code for more information. Below is an example on how to initialize the high-level lazydog event handler, and log every new event in the console (using logging module). The watched directory is the current one (using os.getcwd()).

 import logging
 import os

 from lazydog.handlers import HighlevelEventHandler

 # LOG    
 # create logger 
 logger = logging.getLogger()
 # create console handler with a higher log level
 console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
 # create formatter and add it to the handlers
 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
 # add the handlers to the logger

 # get dir in parameter else current dir
 watched_dir = directory if len(directory) > 1 else os.getcwd()
 # initializing a new HighlevelEventHandler
 highlevel_handler = HighlevelEventHandler.get_instance(watched_dir)
 # starting it (since it is a thread)
 # log first message'LISTENING EVENTS IN DIR: '%s'' % watched_dir)
     while True:

         # The following loop check every 1 second if any new event.
         local_events = highlevel_handler.get_available_events()
         # If any, it logs it directly in the console.
         for e in local_events:

     # Keyboard <CTRL+C> interrupts the loop 
     except KeyboardInterrupt:   


synopsis:Main module of lazydog including the aggregation logics.
author:Clément Warneys <>
class lazydog.handlers.HighlevelEventHandler(lowlevel_event_queue: lazydog.queues.DatedlocaleventQueue, local_states: lazydog.states.LocalState)

Post-treats the low level events to suggest only high-level ones.

To do so, a high-level handler needs a DatedlocaleventQueue (an event queue containing the last lazydog events and inherited from FileSystemEventHandler so it is compatible with watchdog observers), that is already populated by a low-level watchdog observer, for example InotifyObserver, that retrieves the low-level file-system events.

The simplest way to instanciate HighlevelEventHandler is to use the get_instance() method. In this case, you only need to specify the directory to watch watched_dir. Two other optional parameters hashing_function and custom_intializing_values respectively allow to use custom hashing function (which will be use to compute the hashs of each file, in order to correlate copy events) and to accelerate the initialization phase (by providing already computed hash values of the current files in the watched directory, thus avoiding to compute them at the start). Please see the related methods documentation for more information.

This class inherits from threading.Thread so it works autonomously. It can be started start() method (from Thread module, and a stopping order can be send with stop() inner method.

  • lowlevel_event_queue (DatedlocaleventQueue) – An event queue containing the last lazydog events. Note that the provided queue shall be already associated with a low-level watchdog observer that retrieves the low-level file-system events (in order to fill the queue).
  • local_states (LocalState) – The reference state of the local files in the watched directory. This state will be dynamically updated by the handler, depending on the low-level events. This state contains also the path of the watched directory.

A non-running high-level lazydog events handler.

Return type:


POSTTREATMENT_TIME_LIMIT = datetime.timedelta(0, 2)

If neither new low-level events nor high-level post-treatments appends during this 2-seconds delay, the current events in the queue are ready to be emitted the listener, when using get_available_events() method.

CREATE_EVENT_TIME_LIMIT_FOR_EMPTY_FILES = datetime.timedelta(0, 2)

Deprecated. At the beginning of the project, empty file creation was more delayed before the handler emits them. Because empty file are often created and then rapidly renamed and modified… The idea was to limit the number of high-level events that were being sent. But this specific behaviour could generate unwanted problems for the third-application using this library.

classmethod get_instance(watched_dir: str, hashing_function=None, custom_intializing_values=None)

This method provides you with the simplest way to instanciate HighlevelEventHandler. You only need to specify the directory to watch watched_dir. Two other optional parameters hashing_function and custom_intializing_values respectively allow to use custom hashing function (which will be use to compute the hashs of each file, in order to correlate copy events) and to accelerate the initialization phase (by providing already computed hash values of the current files in the watched directory, thus avoiding to compute them at the start).

  • watched_dir (str) – The path you want to watch.
  • hashing_function (function) – Custom hashing function that will be use to compute the hashs of each file, in order the handler is able to correlate copy events. The function shall be defined with the same parameters and retrun format than default_hash_function().
  • custom_intializing_values (LocalState) – Providing custom intializing values accelerate the initialization phase by providing already computed hash values of all the files currently in the watched directory. The provided dictionary shall cover all the local files and directory because hash values will not be computed for missing files. If some reference were missing in the provided dictionary, they can be completed later using save_locals() method. For more information about the structure of this parameter, please see the documentation of LocalState.

An already running high-level lazydog events handler.

Return type:



Set the threading.Event so that the handler thread knows that it has to stop running. Call this method when you want to preperly stop the handler. The handler will then stop a few seconds afterwards.


Executes the main logics of the High-level Handler. These are all the aggregation rules, depending on the order of arrival of the low-level event, how to identify the relation between them and when to decide to aggregate them, or to transform them into a high-level Copied or a Moved event.

Please read directly the commented code for more information about these rules. Here is a summary of the execution:

  • Aggregation rules:

    • Using an InotifyObserver, Deleted events arrive backward, which means that if you delete a directory with some files inside, you will get first a Deleted event for the inside files then another one for their parent directory. So if we find a Deleted event for a directory, we remove every children Deleted events previously queued. Note that if a Deleted event arrives after a Modified event or anything else for the same file or folder, then we just remove (or adapt) the previous related events.
    • Using an InotifyObserver, Moved events are the most simple to post-treat: if you move a folder with sub-files, you only get one low-level event. So nothing to aggregate here… The only thing is when a Moved event is rapidly succeding a Created event (or anything else), then you have to adapt the original event in the queue.
    • Modified events are easy to aggregate to other ones. They are often meaningless, since a low-level Whatever event often comes with one or more Modified events, so we often just ignore these Modified events… Note that when you copy or create a large file, you will get multiple low-level Modified events per seconds that you will have to ignore (since you want to do a high-level lazy observer).
  • If the new event is not related to any other already-listed events, thent it is added to the queue as a new high-level event.

  • Transformation of Created events into Copied ones, if one or more potentiel sources have been found for the Created event. The identification of the sources is based on the file_size, the file_mtime and the file_hash attributes. The first step concerns only the files. Then at the end, if any event has been transformed into a Copied one, the _posttreat_copied_folder() helper method is called.

save_locals(file_path, file_references)

Directly modifies the local state dictionary associated to the handler, by providing new reference for a file or folder. This method should be use in combination of the optional parameter custom_intializing_values when calling get_instance(). In the case you rapidly initialize the handler with some files values, and then you see that some of these values are not good or that some files are missing, you can adjust by passing new values or new files with this method. The data structure is the almost the same.

  • file_path (str) – The relative path of the file or folder you want to add.
  • file_references (list) – A list of 3 values in the following order: file_hash, file_size, file_mtime


get_available_events() → list

Returns a list of high-level post-treated and ready events. Ready in the sense that the POSTTREATMENT_TIME_LIMIT has been reached without any new low-level events coming…


Threading module method, that is executed when calling start() method. The thread is running in a loop until you call the stop() method. Until then, it just check regularly if there is any new queued events emitted by the watchdog oberver. If any, it post-treats it calling the posttreat_lowlevel_event() method.
synopsis:Definitions of the high-level lazydog events, based on the low-level watchdog ones, which are now aggregable and also convertible to copy or move events.
author:Clément Warneys <>

Possible type of lazydog events:


Some kind of events such as Moved and Copied have 2 path attributes: path for the origin path, and to_path for the destination path. Other kinds have only the path attribute.

The ref_path attribute always refers to the current location of the file (to_path if any, else path). All the paths are always relative to the main watched directory.

Lazydog has the ability to aggregate related low-level events. For example, in the case of multiple deletion events, each of one under the same parent directory, the lazydog handler will emit only one deletion event, with the path of the common parent directory.

Lazydog is also able to correlate almost simultaneous deletion and creation events into a unique moved event, if the low-level events are related. Or mutiple creation events into a unique copied event, if the new files and folders were already existing elsewhere in the main watched folder.

All these correlations are mainly done by the HighlevelEventHandler class, but some helper methods are defined in the LazydogEvent class such as add_source_paths_and_transforms_into_copied_event() or update_main_event().

class, local_states: lazydog.states.LocalState)

Main class of module. Initialization with a low-level watchdog event that is then converted into high-level lazydog event.


The local path of the event is referenced as a relative path starting from the absolute path of the watched directory. For this mechanism, the Lazydog event needs a reference, which is given at the initialisation with a LocalState reference.

  • event (FileSystemEvent) – A low-level watchdog event.
  • local_states (LocalState) – The reference state of the local files in the watched directory. Including the absolute path of the watched directory, thus allowing to manage high-level event with relative path.

A high-level lazydog event (converted from low-level watchdog event).

Return type:



Created event type, imported from watchdog module


Deleted event type, imported from watchdog module


Moved event type, imported from watchdog module


Content modified event type, imported from lazydog.revised_watchdog module


Metadata modified event type, imported from lazydog.revised_watchdog module


New kind of event, that does not exist in watchdog python module. Copied event can only be obtained by transforming Created events. The transformation decision is made by the HighlevelEventHandler and is based on the existing files or folders in the watched directory.


Origin path of the event.


Destination path of the event, if any, else None.


Refers to the current location of the file or the event, which is to_path if any, else path.


Refers to the directory name of the event. If the directory name is already the main watched directory, None is returned.


Returns the filename or directory name of the related file or dir.


Returns the absolute path of the current location of the file or dir.

is_directory() → bool

Returns True if the event is related to a directory.

is_moved_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file or dir move.

is_dir_moved_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a dir move.

is_deleted_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file or dir deletion.

is_dir_deleted_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a dir deletion.

is_created_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file or dir creation.

is_dir_created_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a dir creation.

is_file_created_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file creation.

is_copied_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file or dir copy.

is_modified_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file or dir modification.

is_meta_modified_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file or dir modification of the metadata only.

is_data_modified_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file or dir modification of the content.

is_file_modified_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file modification.

is_meta_file_modified_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file modification of the metadata only.

is_data_file_modified_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a file modification of the content.

is_dir_modified_event() → bool

Returns True if the event is a dir modification.

has_dest() → bool

Returns True if the event has a destination path (i.e. if it’s a Moved or Copied event).

has_same_mtime_than(previous_event) → bool

Returns True if the event has the same modification time than the event in parameter.

has_same_size_than(event) → bool

Returns True if the event has the same size than the event in parameter.

has_same_path_than(event) → bool

Returns True if the event has the same ref_path than the event in parameter.

If both events have destination path, source paths are compared too.

has_same_src_path_than(event) → bool

Returns True if the path of event is the same than the ref_path of the event in parameter.

static p1_comes_after_p2(p1: str, p2: str) → bool

p1 and p2 are both paths (str format). This method is a basic comparison method to check if the first parameter p1 is striclty a parent path of the second parameter p2.

Returns False if both paths are identical.

static p1_comes_before_p2(p1: str, p2: str) → bool

Same than p1_comes_after_p2() method, but opposite result.

comes_before(event) → bool

Same than comes_after() method, but opposite result.

same_or_comes_before(event) → bool

Same than comes_before() method, but also True when both events have identical paths.

comes_after(event, complete_check: bool = True) → bool

Same result than p1_comes_after_p2(), comparing current event ref_path path (as p1), to the ref_path path of the event in parameter (as p2).

If both events have a destination path, source paths are compared too.

Returns False if both paths are identical.

same_or_comes_after(event) → bool

Same than comes_after() method, but also True when both events have identical paths.

static datetime_difference_from_now(dt: datetime.datetime) → datetime.datetime

Returns datetime.datetime object representing time difference between the datetime in parameter, and now.

idle_time() → datetime.datetime

Returns time difference between last time this event has been updated and now.


Event updates occur when the event is aggregated to another related event, or also when the event is transformed into a copied or a moved one…


Returns the file hash of the file related to the event if any, else None. File hash value is saved into a private variable, in order to avoid useless computation time…

static count_files_in(absolute_dir_path: str) → int

Counts all non-empty (file size > 0) files in absolute_dir_path directory and all its sub-directories. Returns None if the absolute_dir_path is not a directory.


Be careful: absolute_dir_path has to represent absolute path (not a relative one).


Counts all non-empty (file size > 0) files in the related path of the event, and all its sub-directories. Returns None if the event is not related to a directory.

static get_file_size(absolute_file_path: str) → int

Returns the size of the file at the specified absolute path if any, else None.


Size of the file related to the event if any, else None. File size value is saved in a private variable, in order to avoid useless sollicitation of file-system.

is_empty() → bool

Returns True if the event is related to an empty directory, or if the event is related to an empty file (size = 0).


Last modification time of the file related to the event if any, else None. File modification time value is saved in a private variable, in order to avoid useless sollicitation of file-system.


Inode of the file related to the event if any, else None. Inode value is saved in a private variable, in order to avoid useless sollicitation of file-system.


This property seems now useless, and could be deprecated.


High level helper method to facilitate the work of the HighlevelEventHandler. When different events are identified as related ones, this method is merging the current event in the main one (in parameter).

General idea is to update paramters of the main event, such as file_inode, file_mtime, file_size, file_hash, and also the dates of occurence (which are needed to manage an aggregation time limit).

Each related events, including the main event itself, are all listed in related_events list, to keep track of them.

add_source_paths_and_transforms_into_copied_event(src_paths: set)

High level helper method to facilitate the work of the HighlevelEventHandler. When a creation event is actually identified as a copied one, this method is transforming the current event in a copied one.

The old path attribute is converted into a to_path one. And the path id filled with one of the identified possible source paths (this identification is the job of the HighlevelEventHandler).

To get prepared to potential future aggregation of multiple copied events (for example in the case of a copied directory), we need to keep track of all the possible source paths which are then saved into a possible_src_paths attribute.


synopsis:Bufferizes lazydog events pending for a possible aggregation with other simultaneous events.
author:Clément Warneys <>
class lazydog.queues.DatedlocaleventQueue(local_states: lazydog.states.LocalState)

Basically accumulates all the events emited by a watchdog oberver. It inherits from FileSystemEventHandler, so it is compatible with watchdog oberver. The on_any_event() catches the low-level event and adds them to the queue, after transorming them to LazydogEvent, which will further allow them to be post-treated by a HighlevelEventHandler.

The DatedlocaleventQueue has to be initialized with a LocalState object.


Catch-all event handler.

Parameters:event ( – The event object representing the file system event.

Provides with the oldest event that has been queued, removing it from the queue in the same time.


Returns an integer corresponding to the current size of the queue.


True if the queue size is 0.


synopsis:Keeps track of the current state of the watched local directory. The idea is to save computational time, avoiding recomputing file hashes or getting size and modification time of each watched files (depending on the requested method), thus accelerating identification of copy events.
author:Clément Warneys <>
class lazydog.states.DualAccessMemory

Helper class, used by LocalState. Sort of double-entry dictionary. When you save one tuple {key, value}, you can then access it both way:

  • either from the key, using get(), or using accessor object[key]
  • or from value, using get_by_value(). In this case, you will get a set of all the corresponding keys that references to this specific value.

To register a new key, you can either use save() method, or the accessor object[key] = value.

Finally you can check if a key is existing using the accessor key in object.


Returns the value corresponding to the key in parameter, same behaviour as a dictionary. None if key is unknowned. You can also access it with object[key].

get_by_value(value) → set

Returns a set of key corresponding to the value in parameter. Empty set() if value is not referenced.

save(key: str, value)

Registers the tuple {key, value} in order it is easily accessible both way. If key already exists with another value, the value is first removed, before registering the new one.

delete(delete_key: str)

Considering the DualAccessMemory has been designed to handle path key, this method not only deletes the delete_key in parameter, but it also deletes every children keys corresponding to the children paths of the parameter path delete_key.

move(src_key: str, dst_key: str)

Considering the DualAccessMemory has been designed to handle path key, this method not only moves the src_key in parameter to dst_key key, but it also moves every children keys corresponding to the children paths of the parameter path src_key to the related children path under the parameter path dst_key.

class lazydog.states.LocalState(absolute_root_folder, custom_hash_function=None, custom_intializing_values: dict = None)

Keeps track of the current state of the watched local directory, by listing every sub-files and sub-directories, and associating each of them with their size, modification time, and hash values.

When managing large directory, it can become very long to retrieves this information. But we need it very fast in order to be able to correlate Created event into Copied ones. Indeed, for this kind of correlation, we need to rapidly find every other file or folder that are having the same characteristics (that will then be eligible to be the source file or folder).

LocalState is keeping tracks of files with two DualAccessMemory objects. The first one keeping tracks of couple (size, modification time), and the second one of single hash value.

Hash values are computed depending on a default hashing function. This default method is based on the Dropbox hashing algorithm, but you can define your own one. You only have to respect the same parameter and return. See _default_hashing_function() method to see the needed parameters names and types and the return type.

In order to accelerate the initialization of LocalState when watching large diectory, you can initialize it with pre-computed initializing values of your own (that you have to know in the first place, for example by keeping track of them in a hard backup file, or if you already have to compute them in other place of your application, no need that the hash values have to be computed again… just send them at the initialization). Please looke at the custom_intializing_values parameter for more information.

  • absolute_root_folder (str) – Absolute path of the folder you need to keep track of. Note that ever sub-file and sub-folder will then be referenced with relative paths.
  • custom_hash_function (function) – Optional. Default value is _default_hashing_function() is used, which is based on the Dropbox hashing algorithm. But you can also provides your own hashing function, as long as your respect the format of the default one.
  • custom_intializing_values (dict) – Optional. If not provided or None, all sub-folders will be browsed at initialization, and for each file and folder, the file size, file modification time and file hash will be retrieves and computed (this operation can take a long time, depending on the number and size of the files, and on the hashing function). To accelerate this initialization process, you can provide __init__ method with pre-computed initializing values under a dictionary format with key=file_path and value=[file_hash, file_size, file_time]. You do not need to know the exact content of the main directory at the initialization, and if you later notice unexpected modifications compared to the initial values you sent, you can still correct each of them using the save() method.

An initialized object representing local state of the aimed folder.

Return type:



Default hash value for directory (since directory are not hashed, and that we want to reserve None value to non existing directories).

absolute_local_path(relative_path: str) → str

Computes the absolute local path from a relative one.

Parameters:relative_path (str) – Relative local path of the file or folder.
Returns:Absolute local path of the same file or folder
Return type:str
relative_local_path(absolute_path: str) → str

Same as absolute_local_path(), but opposite.

get_hash(key: str, compute_if_none: bool = True) → str

Gets the file_hash value of the file at the key relative path. If the file is unknown (and so the hash value is not yet computed), by default the hash value will be computed. This behaviour can be cancelled using compute_if_none parameter.

  • key (str) – Relative local path of the file or folder.
  • compute_if_none (boolean) – Optional. True by default, which means that if the file is unknown (and so it is for the hash value), the hash value will be computed. Use False if you want to cancel this bahaviour, so the returned value will be None.

File or directory hash value, if path exists, else None.

Return type:


get_files_by_hash_key(hash_key: str) → set

Returns a set of every file or directory paths for which the hash value corresponds to the hash_key parameter.

get_sizetime(key: str, compute_if_none: bool = True)

Gets the couple (file_size, file_modification_time) value of the file at the key relative path. Same behaviour than get_hash() method.

  • key (str) – Relative local path of the file or folder.
  • compute_if_none (boolean) – Optional. True by default, which means that if the file is unknown (and so it is for the file size and modification time value), the values will be computed. Use False if you want to cancel this bahaviour, so the returned value will be None.

File or directory couple (file_size, file_modification_time) value, if path exists, else None.

Return type:


get_files_by_sizetime_key(sizetime_key) → set

Returns a set of every file or directory paths for which the couple (file_size, file_modification_time) value corresponds to the sizetime_key parameter.

save(key: str, file_hash, file_size, file_mtime)

Allows an external object to add a new file or folder reference to the local state object, by giving already computed hash, size and modification time values. Note that the values will not be neither checked nor recomputed.

If you prefer that the LocalState class computes these values itself, and add the file or folder reference, you can just call the get_hash() or get_sizetime() method. Note that then the LocalState object just compute the needed values: it can compute the hash value without having any reference in its sizetime dictionary. These one will only be computed when calling the related method.

  • key (str) – Relative local path of the file or folder.
  • file_hash (str) – File hash value of the file or folder.
  • file_size (int) – File size value of the file or folder. For information the size is computed with os.path.getsize() method, so the size is the number of bytes of the file.
  • file_mtime (int) – File modification time value of the file or folder. For information the modification time is computed with os.path.getmtime() method, rounded to the third decimal, so the time is a number giving the number of seconds since the epoch, precise at the millisecond.


delete(delete_key: str)

Deletes key recursively. This method can be called internally when detecting a file or folder does not exists anymore, or by an external objects, that do not need to keep track of this path anymore.

move(src_key: str, dst_key: str)

Moves key recursively. This method can be called by an external object, when you know a file or folder has been moved and that you want to keep the already computed values in reference, without recomputing them all.


synopsis:Function to get hash of a file, based on dropbox api hasher.
author:Dropbox, Inc.
author:Clément Warneys <>
lazydog.dropbox_content_hasher.default_hash_function(absolute_path: str, default_directory_hash: str = 'DIR')

Main function in this module that returns the dropbox-like hash of any local file. If the local path does not exist, None is returned. If the local path is a directory, the default_directory_hash parameter is returned, or the default string “DIR”.

  • absolute_path (str) – The absolute local path of the file or directory.
  • default_directory_hashOptional. The returned value in case the absolute path is a directory.

The hash of the file or directory located in absolute_path. The hash is computed based on the default Dropbox API hasher. None if absolute local path does not exist.

Return type:


class lazydog.dropbox_content_hasher.DropboxContentHasher

Computes a hash using the same algorithm that the Dropbox API uses for the the “content_hash” metadata field.

The digest() method returns a raw binary representation of the hash. The hexdigest() convenience method returns a hexadecimal-encoded version, which is what the “content_hash” metadata field uses.

How to use it:

hasher = DropboxContentHasher()
with open('some-file', 'rb') as f:
    while True:
        chunk =  # or whatever chunk size you want
        if len(chunk) == 0:

Revised Watchdog

This inner package is overloading the original watchdog package by revising and completing it, resolving the current situation where the useful watchdog package is not maintained anymore…

Please read original watchdog project documentation for more information:
synopsis:File system events and event handlers. (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)
author:Clément Warneys <>

This module is overloading the original module by revising and completing it. Please read original watchdog project documentation for more information:

This module imports some definitions of and keeps them unchanged:

  • FileModifiedEvent
  • DirModifiedEvent
  • FileSystemEvent
  • FileSystemEventHandler

It adds the following definitions, in order to add some granularity in the definition, thus differentiating content modification from only metadata (access date, owner, etc.) modification:

Finally, it overloads the FileSystemEventHandler class, in order to manage the new granularity of modified events:


File system event representing metadata file modification on the file system.


File system event representing true file content modification on the file system.


File system event representing metadata directory modification on the file system.


File system event representing true directory content modification on the file system.


Base file system event handler that you can override methods from. With modified dispatch method, added on_data_modified() and on_meta_modified() methods, thus covering specific needs of lazydog.


Dispatches events to the appropriate methods.

Parameters:event (FileSystemEvent) – The event object representing the file system event.

Called when a file or directory true content is modified.

Parameters:event (DirModifiedEvent or FileModifiedEvent) – Event representing file or directory modification.

Called when a file or directory metadata is modified.

Parameters:event (DirModifiedEvent or FileModifiedEvent) – Event representing file or directory modification.


synopsis:inotify(7) based emitter implementation, enhanced implementation of original watchdog one.
author:Sebastien Martini <>
author:Luke McCarthy <> (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)
author:Tim Cuthbertson <>
author:Clément Warneys <>
platforms:Linux 2.6.13+.

This module is overloading the original watchdog.observers.inotify module by revising and completing it. Please read original watchdog project documentation for more information:

The main changes concern some methods in the InotifyEmitter class:

  • on_thread_start() This method now uses revised InotifyBuffer.
  • queue_events() This method has been simplified in order to reduce the number of emitted low-level events, in comparison with original watchdog module.
class lazydog.revised_watchdog.observers.inotify.InotifyEmitter(event_queue, watch, timeout=1)

inotify(7)-based event emitter. Revised package mainly concerns queue_events() method, thus covering specific needs of lazydog package.

  • event_queue ( – The event queue to fill with events.
  • watch (watchdog.observers.api.ObservedWatch) – A watch object representing the directory to monitor.
  • timeout (float) – Read events blocking timeout (in seconds).
queue_events(timeout, full_events=False)

This method is classifying the events received from Inotify into watchdog events type (defined in module).

  • timeout (float) – Unused param (from watchdog original package).
  • full_events (boolean) – If True, then the method will report unmatched move events as separate events. This means that if True, a file move event from outside the watched directory will result in a event, with no origin. Else (if False), it will result in a event. This behavior is by default only called by a InotifyFullEmitter.
class lazydog.revised_watchdog.observers.inotify.InotifyObserver(timeout=1, generate_full_events=False)

Observer thread that schedules watching directories and dispatches calls to event handlers.

Please note that his class remains unmodified in revised_watchdog package. Only the __init__() method is overided in order it uses the new definition of InotifyEmitter class.


module:revised_watchdog.observers.inotify_c (Yesudeep Mangalapilly)
author:Clément Warneys <>

This module is overloading the original watchdog.observers.inotify_c module by revising and completing it. Please read original watchdog project documentation for more information:

Fundamental changes and corrections have been brought to the original Inotify class, whose behaviour was not correct when moving or deleting sub-directories.

class lazydog.revised_watchdog.observers.inotify_c.Inotify(path, recursive=False, event_mask=33556422)

Linux inotify(7) API wrapper class.

With modified read_events() method, and added _remove_watch_bookkeeping() method, thus covering specifics needs of lazydog.

  • path (bytes) – The directory path for which we want an inotify object.
  • recursive (boolean) – True if subdirectories should be monitored. False otherwise.

Reads events from inotify and yields them to the Inotify buffer. This method has been largely modified from original watchdog module… Thus preventing from unwanted behaviour.


author:Thomas Amland <>
author:Clément Warneys <>

This module is overloading the original watchdog.observers.inotify_buffer module by revising and completing it. Please read original watchdog project documentation for more information:

The main change is in the InotifyBuffer class, whose InotifyBuffer.__init__() method now uses revised watchdog Inotify class.

class lazydog.revised_watchdog.observers.inotify_buffer.InotifyBuffer(path, recursive=False)

A wrapper for Inotify that holds events for delay seconds. During this time, IN_MOVED_FROM and IN_MOVED_TO events are paired.

Please note that his class remains unmodified in revised_watchdog package. Only the __init__() method is overrided in order it uses the new definition of Inotify class.